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    Wednesday, May 26, 2010

    Layin' Down Some New Stuff

    I've been playing guitar and writing my own music since the 8th grade. I've had a link to my music myspace on here, but never had it up and running, until now. I finally was able to record some new material and got about five new songs up on it. Take a look at it if you'd like. There you can here my music and read a "tid bit" on my musical background and influences, but it's only a "tid bit". I will soon post an article on my music experiences and how God has used that for his glory, for those who would like to read. So again take a look and enjoy!

    Click Here to Check It Out

    Sunday, May 09, 2010

    A Day for Mom

    Today is May 9th, Mother's Day, and I would like to take a brief moment to express my personal gratitude for my mom. See, God has blessed me in so many ways, and one of those is my mother and the relationship I've had the pleasure to have with her. Growing up my mom was always there me. From me playing sports, to being in Boy Scouts, to my church youth group, and playing music, my mom has always been there to support me. God has blessed me in giving me a mom who has invested in me and cared about me in everything I do. Leaving her, and the rest of my family, to come to Tennessee was one of the hardest things I've had to do, but it's because of her and my dad encouraging me to be independent that has given me confidence to grow. So on this mother's day I praise God for my mom, and thank her for always being there.

    Happy Mother's Day!!

    Check This Out

    I am a guy who loves comedy, especially satire, and I wish I would have had this video when I did the post on "entertainment". This perfectly illustrates a "church" service designed to enterntain, not methods to respond to Christ.

    "Sunday's Coming" Movie Trailer from North Point Media on Vimeo.

    Wednesday, May 05, 2010

    Check This Out

    I read this blog post on theresurgence.com a few weeks ago and felt I should share it here. It is a post by Acts 29 Pastor Tyler Jones in Raleigh, North Carolina.

    "We are in the midst of a war, and yet there are no records of battles waged in protest, no heroic lives lost. It is not marked by battles or invasions; you won’t hear reports on the news, yet lives are at stake."

    Read the full blog-post at The Resurgence, http://theresurgence.com/religious-boneyard-examining-the-south