It’s that time again! Time to rollover the calendars and start off another year. The one different thing about this year is that it is the dawning of a new decade. A time to start some new trends that we as a society will later regret and look back on the ones that we already do… but also look back on the good times we have shared this decade.
As we stare the coming year of 2010 in the face I take a personal look back at my life this past decade. (In no particular order)
-I have made so many new bonds with people, along with strengthening some old ones. Some friends have come to be more like family.
-I graduated High School in 09 and made the decision to go to school in Tennessee, where I also now work as a Student Ministry intern.
-All of the time spent in middle school and high school, learning ad becoming who I am today.
-I went to China and stood on the Great Wall and saw the Forbidden City… AMAZING!
-I really got to see this country, and all its beauty, through the eyes of someone growing up, trying to find their place in it.
-I earned the rank of Eagle Scout with a lot hard work put forth to do it.
-I gave my life to God’s calling of me to full time ministry! I can see God molding me and I praise him for that.
-I found one of my life loves in learning to play guitar and slowly developing my skills. I found no more of a rewarding use for it than worshiping our God, and leading others to do so as well.
-I voted in my first Presidential Election
-Some of my most fond memories are all of times spent with my youth group and church family over the years.
There are so many memories I could pull out, we would be here forever. I praise God for my family, my parents and the strong bond they have formed with me. As well as my close friends, who are as close to me as family. Josh (Emily too), Floyd, Brittany, Sam, Gregory, Ross, Raquel, Logan, and Colton. I love all of you guys! Also this decade I came to know Jeff, his wife Stephanie, and daughter Karis. I consider Jeff not only as a mentor, but him and his family as dear friends as well.
Everything and everyone I have mentioned have been a major part in my life throughout this decade. Looking back I see where God has blessed me in so many ways, and I look forward to whatever he may have in store for me.
Happy New Year to you all!
Its awesome what can happen in one decade alone! I imagine the next decade for you will include a lot of things in it that this past one did for me. Its gonna blow you away! This was the most life-changing decade for me. When you follow God, the sky isn't even the limit. I can't wait to see what he has in store for 2010-2019! I'm gonna have to raise a middle schooler this decade!! Yikes.
You're gonna do well this decade. You'll most likely graduate college, seminary, get married, maybe even have a kid, and get your first church job! With all that happening, the best thing I can tell you is to spend plenty of time on your knees!
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