Earlier today I was driving and saw a bumper sticker that read, "Born OK... the first time". Now, I've seen this before and my typical reaction is to cast the thought to the side, not really caring about their atheist beliefs. But today there was a different thought process when I came upon this bumper sticker.
I began to think about this statement, "Born OK... the first time," and I thought of the horrifying reality of the people in this world that believe that. Not only atheist, who believe in no afterlife, but many studies and surveys have shown that most people believe in heaven, in one form or another, and many believe that generally "good" people go there. In my own experiences, I've met many people who believe in God, and that as long as they don't kill anyone, I hear that the most, that they are going to heaven. No mention of Jesus or the fact that all man is sinful.
From the atheist to those that believe in some type of God, people think that man is generally good. The fact of it is, everyone has the capacity to be evil, and when left to their own devices, out of the public eye, we revert to this in one way or another. In this we see that man is sinful, born into a world that tries to rationalize the fulfillment of fleshly desires, slowly deceiving us as we creep further into it. This has been shown in social experiments, such as the Stanford Prison Experiment. The reality of sin is so prevalent in our world, yet people try to rationalize it to say they are good people.
Always remember the truth of scripture. That in Christ we are saved, not by anything we have done to try and be good enough, but through his sacrifice our sins are atoned for.
"And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,..." - Colossians 1:21-22
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