If you are like me, or any other human being for that matter, you deal with struggles in life. Things are difficult and don't always go your way, and sometimes it feels like you are the only one. I often begin to have thoughts of doubt on whether I'm doing the right things because often times it can feel so hard just to go through the day to day.
I have posted before on my struggles with just time in the day alone. About how much of the time it feels like I am burning a candle at five ends. With college, work, and then my internship at First Baptist Clarksville (that I consider my real job, regardless of pay or not), it can begin to feel like too much. Sometimes I feel like I just want to be done with it all and be in full time ministry, but God has his subtle ways of keeping me humble in my place in life.
Just today I was supposed to preach to the high school students in our student ministry, but a kink was thrown in when I was scheduled to begin my new paying job during the time of the service. At first I was frustrated, getting angry at my situation and wondering why things have to be so difficult, but then one of those subtle reminders from God came. In the very passage that I was preparing to preach on tonight (1 Peter 1:3-25), through His word, God had a message for me.
In 1 Peter 1:6-7, I was reminded that trials in life are meant to test us, to strengthen our faith and give glory to God. I praise God for the reminder, that I seem too often to forget, and I pray that through the trails in life my faith is proven.