The past week has been a blast working with a group of the high school students from FBC. Starting Monday and running until Thursday, we took a group to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky for the D3 Youth Conference put on by their college (Boyce College). The conference used the facilities of the seminary campus and operated like a conference-camp hybrid.
The name D3 stands for the basis on how the teaching sessions work. We had general sessions every day involving everyone, but there were also three different track sessions that met 4 times for one hour sessions. These were three areas of discipleship, hence the name D3, and they were Missions, Spiritual Leadership, and finally Worldview. Students, along with adult leaders, were able to choose what track they wanted to take, and our group was mainly split by Spiritual Leadership and Missions.
This was honestly the first youth event that I have witnessed in a long time that was
immediately all about scripture. We checked in, took our stuff to the dorms they had us staying in, and right after that we dove into the first general session. Everything from the worship and teaching was deep in scripture and truth, lacking the surface teaching and concert worship I have become accustomed to seeing at youth events, and as the Conference Pastor Eric Bancroft started speaking we immediately started dissecting the truths of scripture on what discipleship is truly all about. He used The Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20, and talked about how Jesus commanded the Disciples to take what he had taught them and take that to the nations. So it should be with us that to instruct others in the way of the faith, we must know the word of Christ ourselves.

There was even an intense game of Underground Church that we played to bring awareness of the persecuted Church to the students, using almost the entire seminary grounds where Jeff, Kyle, and I somehow found our way into the office of Dr. Russell Moore, the Dean of the School of Theology at SBTS, as well as a teacher of the word I greatly respect and look up to. We didn't touch anything, I promise...

So much more was discussed throughout the week and many great men and servants of the Lord came to teach (Jeff Struecker, Al Mohler) and lead in worship (The Hoffmans). We also had a "concert", which was more like another sermon through music, from the Christian Rap artist FLAME. I can't help but be amazed by these men and their hearts for the Lord and discipleship, as well as all of the others behind this conference, seeking to love on and teach these students.

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